Associate Professor; Department of Visual & Performing Arts
- Ware Fine Arts Center Room 131
Mr. Jeffrey A. Chapp is an Associate Professor of Studio Arts and Coordinator of The Lincoln University Collections of African Art and Material Culture in the Visual Arts Program. He began his career at Lincoln University in 1995 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Fine Arts. He received his terminal degree, a Master of Fine Arts (M. F. A.) in ceramics, from the University of Delaware in 1988 and a Master of Arts in ceramics from Purdue University in 1983. In 1980, he received his Bachelor of Science in Industrial Arts from Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. Mr. Chapp received tenure and promotion to Associate Professor in the 2000-2001 academic year, and served as Chair of the Department of Fine Arts from 2000-2002. From 2003 to 2008 he served as Visual Arts Coordinator in the Department of Visual and Performing Arts.
In 2006 he was appointed to serve as the Coordinator Consultant for Lincoln’s African art collections. In this role he has worked with outside consultants to organize, inventory, appraise, and provide proper stewardship for the collection of 3000+ works of African art and material culture. In 2010 he organized and installed in the atrium gallery of the International Cultural Center (ICC) the exhibition Religious Art of Ethiopia: Art and Artifacts of the Ethiopian Tewahedo Orthodox Church. This exhibition features works from two important donors to the collection, Mr. Franklin Williams, (L.U. ’41) and Mr. Robert Freeman, Jr. (L.U.’41). In 2010 Professor Chapp also worked with Lincoln’s Office of Development to augment Lincoln’s art collection, and was instrumental in securing a gift of African ceramics and other important artifacts from the David and Karina Rilling Collection, and in 2012, the donation of sixty-three significant African artworks from Mrs. Corine Thompson in memory of her late husband, Dr. Eugene Thompson.
Professor Chapp's primary artistic medium is low-fire clay from which he creates ceramic objects that are intimate in scale, but contain big messages commenting on American culture, politics, and global events. These works provide a personal and progressive testimony to what he observes in the world. Since 1980 his works have been curated into over 90 exhibitions, including many peer reviewed national and invitational shows; presented in 19 catalogues; and have received eleven awards. His works, Fruits of Our Labor (1988), is featured on the cover of Leon Nigrosh’s Sculpting Clay and Begging Bowl (1983) is included in Donald Frith’s book, Mold Making for Ceramics. In 2004 Chapp was chosen to design and sculpt the 2004 Governor’s Awards for the Arts, an award given every two years to persons and institutions in Delaware who have made significant contributions to the arts. His work, Golden Rule, was chosen for the highly selective NCECA 2005 Clay National Exhibition and was exhibited during the 2005 NCECA national conference in Baltimore, Maryland. In November of 2011 Chapp presented an artist’s talk in the Ware Center Theater titled: “Form, Image and Content: Sources of Inspiration” that offered an overview of his development as a ceramic artist/object maker and discussed aesthetic concerns and sources of inspiration for his works. This talk was augmented with a mini-retrospective of works related to his lecture displayed in the Ware Center.
1988 Master of Fine Arts Fine Arts (Ceramics), University of Delaware, Newark, DE, Awarded Academic Fellowship, 1987.
1983 Master of Arts Creative Arts (Ceramics), Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
1979 Bachelor of Science Industrial Arts, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
2009-present Associate Professor of Studio Art, Coordinator of The Lincoln University Collections of African Art and Material Culture, Department of Visual and Performing Arts, The Lincoln University, Lincoln University, PA
Committees: (2011-14) Curriculum Committee and Library Committee, (2009-2011) Educational Policies Committee, Technology Committee.
2008-2009 Associate Professor of Studio Art, Art Coordinator of Teaching Laboratories, Coordinator of the African Collections, Department of Visual and Performing Arts, Lincoln University, Lincoln University, PA
Committees: Educational Policies Committee, Technology Committee, Ad-Hoc Lincoln University/Barnes Foundation Collaborative Committee.
2002-2008 Associate Professor of Studio Art, Visual Arts Program Coordinator, Coordinator of the African Collections (2007-08), Department of Visual and Performing Arts, Lincoln University, Lincoln University, PA
Committees: Curriculum Committee, Library Committee, Juridical Committee, Ad-Hoc African Collections Committee, Ad-Hoc Lincoln University/Barnes Foundation Collaborative Committee, Humanities Curriculum Committee, Amos Scholarly Lecture Series Committee, Sesquicentennial Committee, Humanities Committee on Retention.
2000-2002 Associate Professor of Studio Art, Tenured, Chair, Department of Fine Arts, Lincoln University, Lincoln University, PA
Committees: Library Committee, Ad-Hoc African Collections Committee, (Presidential Appointment) Member, Lincoln University/Barnes Foundation Educational Alliance, Humanities Curriculum Committee, Humanities Curriculum Committee, Ad-Hoc Committee for the Langston Hughes Program for The Promotion of the Arts
1995-2000 Assistant Professor of Studio Art, Department of Fine Arts, Lincoln University, Lincoln University, PA
Committees: Co-Chair, Committee on Academic Standing, Admissions, & Financial Aid (3 year term), Academic Computer Users Committee, Chair and Co-Chair, Blueprint 2000: Task Force IX - Art History, Blueprint 2000: Task Force X - International Cultural Center, Lincoln University/Barnes Foundation Collaborative Program, Middle States Task Force on Governance and Governing Board, Committee to Re-write Mission Statement and Mission Goals for Humanities Division
Courses taught (1995-2014): ART100-Fundamentals of 2-D Design, ART101-Fundamentals of 3-D Design, ART205-Drawing I, ART210-Ceramics I, ART310-Ceramics II, ART215-Printmaking I, ART 200-Introducton to Art (Humanities Core Curriculum Course), ART405-Drawing III, ART490-Senior Seminar, FYE101-First Year Experience.
1989 Visiting Instructor, Department of Art, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Full teaching responsibilities for beginning, intermediate, and advanced ceramics classes.
1986-1988 Graduate Instructor, Department of Art, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Courses taught: Foundations I: Design, Beginning Ceramics, Foundations for Non-Majors, and Sculpture.
1986-1987 Ceramics Studio Technician, Department of Art, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
1980-1983 Graduate Instructor, Department of Creative Arts, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN
Courses taught: Two-Dimensional Design and Ceramics /Ceramic Studio Technician (1980-82).
2013 Faculty Development Grant to register and photograph works in the Rilling and Thompson collections.
2006-07 PDE Grant to work on The Lincoln University Collection of African Art & Material Culture.
2006 Who’s Who in American Education, 7th Edition, 2006-07
2005 Special recognition (Resolution No. 218) from the Lincoln University Board of Trustees for receiving the sculpture commission for Delaware’s 2004 Governor’s Award in the Art
2004 Commissioned by Delaware Division of the Arts to design and create Delaware’s 2004 Governor’s Award in the Arts sculpture awarded to 2004’s six recipients.
2004 Who’s Who in America, 58th Edition, 2004
2002 Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers, 2002
2001 Faculty Award: Outstanding Leadership in The Department of Fine Arts
1998-1999 Faculty Development Grant, Lincoln University, Lincoln University, PA. Summer project to photograph and digitally record African Collection.
1998 Art work selected as an award for the 1998 Governor’s Awards in the Arts (Delaware).
1989-1990 Individual Artist Fellowship, (Established Professional), Delaware State Arts Council, Wilmington, DE
1988 Honorable Mention, Governor's Award for the Arts Sculpture Competition, Delaware State Arts Council, Wilmington, DE
Professional Development Grant, College of Art and Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
1987 Academic Fellowship, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
1986 Finalist, Sandi Servaas Memorial Award Design Competition, Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, Indianapolis, IN
1984 Summer Fellowship, Associate Level, Indiana Arts Commission, Indianapolis, IN
2004 Juror, 2004 Sidewalk Sale and Exhibition, 2004 Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts, State College, PA
2003 Panelist, Fine Crafts Marketplace Jury Panel, Division of the Arts/Delaware State Arts Council, Wilmington, DE
1999 Panelist, Division of the Arts/Delaware State Arts Council, Wilmington, DE
•Panel selected artists to exhibit at Carvel State Office Building.
1998 Panelist, Division of the Arts/Delaware State Arts Council, Wilmington, DE
•Panel selected Delaware artists for the Xi’an, China Exchange program.
1994 Panelist, Division of the Arts/Delaware State Arts Council, Wilmington, DE
•Panel selected artists to exhibit in State Arts Council galleries for FY '94
1993 Panelist, Division of the Arts/Delaware State Arts Council, Wilmington, DE
•Panel selected artists to exhibit in State Arts Council galleries for FY '95
Juror, Annual Undergraduate Competition, Department of Art, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Panelist, Visual Artists' Residencies Panel, Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation, Baltimore, MD
•Principle presenter for Fred Wilson’s “Mining the Museum” proposal.
1988-1992 Board of Directors, Delaware Center for Contemporary Art, Wilmington, DE
Vice President (Artist), 1989-90; Artistic Directions Committee, 1989-96; Chairman, Executive Director Search Committee, 1990
1985-1986 Assistant Director, Greater Lafayette Museum of Art, Lafayette, IN
1985 Member, Individual Fellowship Screening Committee, Indiana Arts Commission, Indianapolis, IN
1983-1985 Visual Arts Coordinator, 1/2-time Greater Lafayette Museum of Art, Lafayette, IN
1983-1984 Exhibitions Preparer, 1/2-time, Purdue Galleries, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
2012 “The Lincoln University Collection of African Art & Material Culture: A Brief History-1935-2012, International Cultural Center, Lincoln University, PA
2011 “Form, Image and Content: Sources of Inspiration”, Lincoln /Barnes Visual Arts Program Artists’ Talks, Ware Center Theater, Lincoln University, PA.
1997 “House/Home and the Rhetoric of Politics: A Discussion of Art Images”, Humanities Division Symposium Series, Lincoln University, PA
1996 “House/Home and the Rhetoric of Politics: A Discussion of Art Images”, Council of Delaware Artists (CODA) Lecture Series, Wilmington, DE
1988 Faculty Lecture Series, Department of Art, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
1985 "Identifying Historical Ceramics," Brown Bag Thursday Presentation, Purdue Galleries, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
1984 Gallery Talk, Eight State Annual: Crafts, J.B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, KY
1983 "Christo: Three Views," Brown Bag Thursday Presentation, Purdue Galleries, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
2013 2013 SENCER Summer Institute, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA
2004 PAEP Technology Conference, Philadelphia Arts in Education Partnership, Philadelphia, PA
1996 & 1997 Technology Awareness Course (2 day workshop), The National Demonstration Laboratory, Academy for Educational Development, Washington, DC
1995-1997 The Barnes Foundation, Merion, PA. Completed two-year program
1978 Assisted in the installation of Christo's Wrapped Walkways Project, Jacob Loose Park, Kansas City, MO, October 1-3
1975-1977 Apprenticeship with production potter, Lee Magdanz, The Kiln Room, Banner Elk, NC
1976 Assisted in the construction and development of ASU/NYC, loft project in lower Manhattan for the Department of Art, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
“Image-laden works of art play with the audience’s ideas,” JoAnn Balingit, Newark Post, Newark, DE, November 14, 2001
Review by Sandra Price, American Ceramics, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1993
Sculpting Clay, Leon Nigrosh, Davis Publications, Inc., Worcester, MA , 1992, (cover photograph)
“Ceramist Says it with Saucers,” Joanne S. Petrizzi, Compass/News Journal, Wilmington, DE, Vol. 16, No. 10, Nov. 5, 1987
“Partners in Art,” John Pickel, New Art Examiner, Apr., 1987
“Contemporary Context,” Penelope Bass Cope, Sunday News Journal, Wilmington, DE, Mar. 8, l987
“Buffalo Crafts National,” Roberley Ann Bell, Ceramics Monthly, Mar. 1986
“Hoosier Artists Shine in Mid-State,” Roger Boyd, Evansville Courier and Press, Evansville, IN, Mar. 9, 1986
“ArtQuest,” Ceramics Monthly, Feb., 1986
“New Show Featured at Woods,” Terre Haute Tribune Star, Terre Haute, IN, Nov. 3, 1985
“The Witchita National Decorative Arts Exhibit,” Stephen Gleissner, New Art Examiner, Nov., 1985
Mold Making for Ceramics, Donald E. Frith, Chilton, New York, NY, 1985 (color photograph, pg. 180)
“Four Local Artists Awarded Grants by State Group,” Kathy Matter, Lafayette Journal and Courier, Lafayette, IN, May 14, 1984
“Louisville Showcase,” Ceramics Monthly, Summer, 1983
“High Quality Shows in Mid-States Exhibition,” John Smith, The Press, Mar. 10, 1983
“Jeffrey Chapp and Amanda Block,” Marcus B. Chandler, Arts Insight, Vol.5, No. 1, Mar., 1983
“Gallery Glows with Lush Color,” Steve Mannheimer, The Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, IN, Jan. 23, 1983
“Two Exhibitions Awash with Color,” Marion Garmel, The Indianapolis News, Indianapolis, IN Jan. 23, 1983
“Architecture Blends Into Clayfest,” Steve Mannheimer, The Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, IN, Nov. 7, 1982
“Art League Regional Exhibition,” Marcus B. Chandler, New Art Examiner, Oct., 1982
Slides of works included in slide library archives, Museum of Decorative Arts, Prague, Czech Republic
Purdue Galleries Permanent Collection, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Betty Asher, Los Angeles, CA
SIUC University Museum, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL
Greater Lafayette Museum of Art, Lafayette, IN
Evansville Museum of Arts and Sciences, Evansville, IN
Earlham College Permanent Collection, Earlham College, Richmond, IN
Erie Art Museum, Erie, PA
Fabric Workshop Permanent Collection, Philadelphia, PA
2011 Selected Works: 1982-2010, Ware Center, Lincoln University, PA
Exhibit accompanied Artist’s Talk: Form, Image & Content: Sources of Inspiration.
2009 Spoon It! Fork It! Cut It Up!, Baltimore Clayworks, Baltimore MD.
National invitational exhibit, Curator: Gail Brown, independent curator.
2007 From the Earth: Handmade Place Settings from all Fifty States, UK Art Museum, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
Invitational National exhibit organized by Bob Shay, Dean, College of Fine Arts, University of Kentucky. Curated by Joe Bova, Interim Director, School of Fine Arts, Ohio University.
2006 Born 2B Wild (A Black T-shirt Affair), DCCA, Wilmington, DE.
2006 Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts invitational fund raising exhibit curated by J. Susan Isaacs, Ph.D., adjunct curator, DCCA and Associate Professor of Art History, Towson University, Maryland.
Brothers in Art: Steven Chapp-Prints and Other Media & Jeffrey Chapp-Ceramics, Pickens County Museum, Pickens, SC
Two person invitational exhibit.
An Extravagance of Salt & Pepper: Containers/Shakers/Concepts, Baltimore Clayworks, Baltimore, MD
National invitational exhibit, Curator: Gail Brown, independent curator.
2005 NCECA 2005 Clay National Exhibition, Center for Art and Visual Culture, UMBC, Baltimore, MD
Jurors: Linda Arbuckle, Andrea Gill, and Ron Nagle, Exhibition catalogue.
2004 Works from the Purdue Ceramics Alliance (Purdue Alumni Exhibit), Artsgarden, Indianapolis, IN
2004 International Orton Cone Box Show, NCECA, Indianapolis and Holt/Russel Gallery, Baker University, Baldwin City, KS
Jurors: Janet Mansfield and Phil Rogers
2002 2002 Cab Calloway School of the Arts Art Auction, Cab Calloway School of the Arts Wilmington, DE
2001 Telling Tales: Contemporary Narrative Teapots, Craft Alliance, Saint Louis, MO
Curator: Gail M Brown, Catalogue poster
Jeffrey A. Chapp/Ceramic Works: 1982-1999, Newark Free Public Library, Newark, DE
2000 “Spaces: Interior and Exterior”, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA
Jurors: Sydney Goodman, Robin Rice and Jeanne Jaffe
2000 International Orton Cone Box Show, Baker University, Baldwin KS
Jurors: Nina Hole, Richard Notkin, and Jeff Oestreich, Purchase Award
1999 DCCA 9th Annual Art Auction, Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, Wilmington, DE
Origins of the Species-ist, Catherine J. Smith Gallery, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
Juror: Sue Coe
Now and Then: A Twenty-Year Survey of DCCA Juried Exhibition Award Winners, DCCA, Wilmington, DE
1998 Alone and Apart, Newark Arts Alliance, Newark, DE, Curated by Sally Cooper March
DCCA Art Auction, Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, Wilmington, DE
1997 Delighting in Diversity, Delaware Center for Horticulture, (DCCA), Wilmington, DE
Ceramics Alumni Exhibition, Department of Art Gallery, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
There’s No Place Like Home, Newark Arts Alliance, Newark, DE
1996 “Inside / Out,” Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts (DCCA), Wilmington, DE
Juror: Jack Cowart, Director and Chief Curator, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Merit Award
Traveled to Delaware State University, Dover, and Sussex County Art Council, Georgetown, DE
1995 DCCA Art Auction, Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, Wilmington DE
1993 Materials, Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, DE
29th Ceramic National Exhibition, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY
Jurors: Rudy Audio, Robert A. Ellison, Jr., and Martha Drexler Lynn, Catalogue, Traveled to Newark Museum of Art, Newark, NJ
New Ceramic Works, Archon, New York, NY
1992 A Show About the Cup, Archon, New York, NY
Philadelphia Clay Regional, The Painted Bride Art Center, Philadelphia, PA
Jurors: Mark Burns and Susan Peterson, Honorable Mention, Catalogue
1991 New Art Forms, Navy Pier Exposition, Chicago, IL
Represented by M.C. Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
Salt and Pepper Shaker Show, Twist Gallery, Portland OR
Ceramics Now/ 1991, Downey Museum of Art, Downey, CA
Jurors: Ingrid Lilligram, Tony Marsh, and Scott Ward
5th Annual Great Lakes Show, Lill Street Gallery, Chicago, IL
Jurors: Richard Hensley and Donna Polseno
Lotsa Clay II, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, PA
The First Regional Juried Exhibition, National Museum of Ceramic Art, Baltimore, MD
Juror: William Daley
water/life, Luckenbach Mill Gallery, Bethlehem, PA
Juror: Syd Carpenter
6th Annual Monarch National, San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts, San Angelo, TX
Juror: Martha Drexler Lynn, Catalogue
Ceramics Invitational Show, M.C. Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
1990 One Person Exhibition, M.C.Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
Rain of Talent, Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, DE
House/Home, One Person Exhibition, Delaware State Arts Council, Wilmington, DE
The Clay Cup III, Southern Illinois University Museum, Carbondale, IL
Juror: Richard Notkin, Presidents Purchase Award, Catalogue
1989 Mysterious Images, Delaplaine Visual Arts Center, Frederick, MD
Juror: David Tannous, Honorable Mention
An Extra Dimension: Sculptural Forms by Purdue Alumni, Stewart Center Gallery, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
The Wichita National '89, The Wichita Art Association, Inc., Wichita, KS
Juror: Tony Hepburn, Honorable Mention
A Tea Party, (The Tenth Annual), Ferrin Gallery, Northampton, MA
New Art Forms, Navy Pier Exposition, Navy Pier, Chicago, IL
Represented by M. C. Gallery, Minneapolis, MN, Catalogue
Clay U.S.A., Radford University, Radford, VA
Jurors: Donna Polseno and Richard Hemsley, Award of Excellence, Catalogue
American Clay Artists 1989, Port of History Museum, Philadelphia, PA
Jurors: Rose Slivka and Robert Turner, Catalogue
1988 Three Person Exhibition, Kay Garvey Gallery, Glen Ellyn, IL
Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition, DCCA, Wilmington, DE
NCECA Juried Member's Show, Laura Russo Gallery, Portland, OR. Show to travel Jurors: Val Cushing and Jacquie Rice, Catalogue
Graduate Student Exhibition Series, Chicago Center for Ceramic Art, Chicago, IL
Clay in the East, Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, PA
Greater Mid-west International Exhibition, Central Missouri State University Art Center Gallery, Warrensburg, MO
Juror: Roy Slade, Catalogue
1987 Vessels, Small Works Gallery, Delaware Center for Contemporary Art, Wilmington, DE
Crafts: National II, Upton Hall Gallery, Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY
Jurors: Lois Moran and Albert Paley, Catalogue
All Members Juried Exhibition, DCCA, Wilmington, DE
Juror: Richard Rosenfield
Partners in Art, Indiana State Museum, Indianapolis, IN
1986 A Tea Party, Artforms Gallery, Louisville, KY. National Invitational
Mid-States Craft Exhibition, Evansville Museum of Arts and Sciences, Evansville, IN
Juror: Carol Sedestrom. New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art Merit Award
Invitational Exhibition, Albion College, Albion, MI
1985 Ceramics Invitational: Non-Traditional Vessel Forms, Saint Mary of the Woods College, Saint Mary of the Woods, IN
Crafts: National, Upton Hall Gallery, Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY
Jurors: Paul Smith and Mary Jane Jacob, Catalogue
Cups, The Hand and the Spirit Gallery, Scottsdale, AZ
Wichita National Decorative Arts Exhibition, Wichita Arts Association, Inc., Wichita, KS
Juror: Loyd Herman, Catalogue
Two Person Exhibition, Peoria Art Guild, Peoria, IL
Wish You Were Here, Faculty Exhibition, Greater Lafayette Museum of Art, Lafayette, IN
artNET Members Exhibition, Indianapolis Art League, Indianapolis, IN
Clay National, Erie Art Museum, Erie, PA. Show to travel through 1989
Jurors: Rudy Autio and Andrea Gill, Catalogue
Feet of Clay Invitational, Lill Street Gallery, Chicago, IL
Mid-States Craft Exhibition, Evansville Museum of Arts and Sciences, Evansville, IN Juror: Elena Karina Canavier
1984 Eight State Annual Crafts Exhibition, J.B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, KY
Juror: Jack Lenore Larson, Catalogue
IAC Fellowship Exhibition, Indiana Arts Commission, Indianapolis, IN
Clayfest '84, Herron Gallery, Herron School of Art/ IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN
Jurors: Ann Nathan and David Keator, Catalogue, Woodsmall Merit Award
Chicago Vicinity Clay 4, Lill Street Gallery, Chicago, IL
Juror: Michael McTwigen
One Person Exhibition, Gallery Two Nine One, Atlanta, GA
Crafts 18, Zollar Gallery, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Juror: Kathleen Nugent
The Cup Invitational, Martha Schneider Gallery, Highland Park, IL
Mid-States Crafts Exhibition, Evansville Museum of Arts and Sciences, Evansville, IN
Juror: Helen Drutt
Tea Bowl Invitational, Craft Alliance, St. Louis, MO
1983 Showcase '83, Art Center Association, Louisville, KY
Jurors: Jim Grubola, Teo Nutini, and Carl Solway, Catalogue
The Figure-New Form/New Function, Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN
Juror: F. Clark Stewart
Chicago Vicinity Clay 3, Lill Street Gallery, Chicago, IL
Juror: Helen Drutt, Catalogue
Art League Regional '83, Indianapolis Art League, Indianapolis, IN
Juror: Lisa Lyons
Cast Clay, Craftsman Gallery, Omaha, NE
Juror: Ree Schonlau
Masters' Thesis Exhibition, Beelke Gallery, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
39th Annual Wabash Valley Exhibition, The Sheldon Swope Art Gallery, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN
Juror: John Canaday
Mid-States Crafts Exhibition, Evansville Museum of Arts and Sciences, Evansville, IN
Juror: Daniel Overly, George S. Olive and Company Purchase Award
Clay National, Erie Art Center, Erie, PA
Jurors: Marilyn Levine and Tony Hepburn, Catalogue
Two Person Exhibition, Editions Limited Gallery, Indianapolis, IN
1982 Clayfest '82, Indiana Central University, Indianapolis, IN
Jurors: Barbara Tipton and Joseph Zeller. Catalogue,Woodsmall Purchase and Merit Award.
Artifacts/Artifictions, Union Gallery, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
National Crafts Exhibition, Galveston, TX
Juror: Val Cushing
Art League Regional, Indianapolis Art League, Indianapolis, IN
Juror: Marcia Tucker
Mid-States Crafts Exhibition, Evansville Museum of Arts and Sciences, Evansville, IN Juror: Ken Gross
1981 National Cone Box Show, Union Gallery, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Jurors: Marjorie Levy and Val Cushing
68th Indiana Artists' Exhibition, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN
Jurors: Robert Pincus Witten, Miriam Schapiro, and Robert Yassin, Catalogue
38th Salon Show, Northern Indiana Arts Association, Hammond, IN
Juror: Paul Donhauser
1980 Mid-States Crafts Exhibition, Evansville Museum of Arts and Sciences, Evansville, IN Juror: Lloyd Herman