Chief Research & Sponsored Programs Officer, Office of Sponsored Programs
- Wright Hall Room 116
Functional Role:
Comprehensive leadership and oversight of ORSP and its functionalities; Development of strategic and operational plans for sponsored programs (inclusive of grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements) administration; Development of internal and external partnerships for sponsored programs administration; Provision of consultations on pre and post-award management matters; Leadership and oversight of Institutional Review Board (IRB) & Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC); Development of proposals for external funding; Provision of appropriate training/workshops/colloquia, consultations, etc.; Administration & Supervision; Creation and coordination of ‘Communities of Practices’ for targeted topical areas in sponsored programs; LU spokesperson on public and other alternative sources of external funding opportunities; Faculty coaching in developing and implementing the research components of their ‘Statements of Expectations’; Collaboration with LU stakeholders in developing strategic plans for sponsored programs administration; Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) with signatory authority of proposals; Intellectual Property Officer; Export Control Regulations Officer; Official spokesperson on sponsored programs and sponsored research initiatives – within and outside of LU; Assigned institutional special projects.