History, Pan-Africana Studies, Philosophy & Religion Department Mission

  1. To examine values, innovations and traditions of human societies.
  2. To enable students to know and appreciate various cultural inheritances, and also provide students with basic knowledge of historical and physical geography.
  3. To develop students’ abilities to utilize historical perspectives to comprehend world events.
  4. To develop students’ abilities to interpret and evaluate events in history. 

Gwinyai H. Muzorewa Department Chair and Professor, Department of History, Pan-Africana Studies, Philosophy & Religion gmuzorewa@lincoln.edu 484-365-7505
  • John Miller Dickey Hall Room 351
Nancy K. Stabler Department Assistant, Department of History, Pan-Africana Studies, Philosophy & Religion and Department of Political Science nstabler@lincoln.edu 484-365-8124
  • John Miller Dickey Hall Room 352