Fourth Annual Humanities and Social Sciences Conference

When: Saturday, April 2, 2016 , 9:00am to 4:30pm
Campus: All University

The conference theme is “Panopticon: Surveillance, Suspicion, Fear.”

The location of the conference is in University Hall, rooms 101, 103, and 104.

With the advent of WikiLeaks and its disturbing revelations about the systematic and global surveillance conducted by the United States, Surveillance, Suspicion and Fear have permeated the public sphere in an unpreceded manner, spread to everyday life, and affected popular culture, fiction, society, communities, and politics. This interdisciplinary conference will examine the reality and representations of Fear, Suspicion and Surveillance in the social and natural sciences, mass media, pedagogy, visual arts, literature and popular culture.

Please click here to view our programme with a list of sessions and times.

For additional information, please reach out to Abbes Maazaoui at