The Mellon Grant in Arts & Humanities Summer Research Institute: Session 1

When: Monday, March 25, 2019 , 12:00pm to 12:45pm
Campus: All University

All tenure-line and tenured Lincoln University Arts & Humanities ​faculty are cordially invited to submit an application for the 2019 Mellon Summer Faculty Research Institute. An overview of the program can be found here and detailed guidelines can be found here

Applications are due Monday, April 15, 2019 by 5 p.m.
No late applications will be accepted. 

Ten  $7,500 stipends will be awarded to tenure-line or tenured Lincoln University Arts and Humanities faculty so they can devote their 2019 summer to research and scholarly writing or an exhibit. Each recipient will also select a student research assistant to aid them in their work and each research assistant will be awarded $3,500. 

Summer Mellon Research Institute Conference 

In addition to their summer research and writing agenda, each awardee will be required to attend a 3-day faculty research institute in May. Exact dates are forthcoming. 

​Pedagogy and Curriculum Workshops

Each awardee will also be expected to attend a pedagogy during the school year to learn how to translate their summer research into the classroom.  

Brown Bag Informational Session:

You are invited attend one of the two brown bag informational sessions to receive an overview of the institute and ask any questions on Monday, March 25, 2019 from 12:00 pm to 12:45 p.m. in Wright Hall, room 215.

Draft Discussion and Review 

To discuss your preliminary ideas or to have your application narrative reviewed, please reach out to Mr. Fred-Rick Roundtree at, 484-365-8040 or Dr. Pia Deas at, 814-232-1513 (cell).