Senior Advising Week

When: Monday, November 4, 2019 to Friday, November 8, 2019
Campus: All University
Tags: Student Life

Attention Seniors and Juniors

Registration for Spring 2020 classes begins Monday, Nov. 11th.

The week of Nov. 4th through Nov. 8th has been designated “Senior Advising Week.”

Please use this week to meet with your advisor to do a thorough review of your Program Evaluation to make sure you know everything you need to do or take in order to graduate in May 2020 for seniors, or May 2021 for juniors.

  • Make an appointment to meet with your advisor.
  • Print out your Program Evaluation and your transcript.
  • Try to develop your own plan working out required courses you still need and how many credits you need to graduate.
  • Take your plan to your advisor for approval or revision.
  • Have your advisor hold removed.
  • Go into WebAdvisor and select your classes for Spring 2020.
  • On Nov. 12th for seniors (and other priority groups) or Nov. 15th for juniors, go in and register for your selected sections.
  • Don’t forget to submit your Writing Proficiency Portfolio.

If you have any questions contact your advisor, your department chairperson, or Ms. Susan Chikwem, Associate Director of Academic Advising, 204 Wright Hall,

You can also attend a Graduation Readiness workshop that will be held during the week of Oct. 28th. Watch for notices.