
Thursday, Sep 29, 2016

Students learned the steps that could help save a life from suicide at a recent Counseling Services-sponsored training at the Wellness Center.

Thursday, Sep 29, 2016

Volume 2 Issue 3 of President Richard Green's Newsletter is now available.

Thursday, Sep 22, 2016

Legislators from Lagos, Nigeria, visited Lincoln University on August 23 to discuss a potential partnership with the historic Pennsylvania institution. 

Tuesday, Sep 20, 2016

Statement from Lincoln University Interim President Richard Green Touting Progress of University

Wednesday, Sep 07, 2016

More than 85 Lincoln University sophomores were treated to a Night Owl Social on August 31 aimed at building camaraderie among students and raising awareness of programming specifically for sophomores.

Monday, Aug 29, 2016

Volume 2 Issue 2 of President Richard Green's Newsletter is now available.

Friday, Aug 26, 2016

Thirteen officers from eight police departments gathered for three days of field sobriety testing training on the campus of Lincoln University.

Friday, Aug 26, 2016

More than 65 Lincoln women attended the Women’s Center back-to-school Cupcake Social in the all-female residence, Hansberry Hall.

Saturday, Aug 20, 2016

Lincoln University, Pa. – Lincoln University - University City will host the Fourth Biennial Kwame Nkrumah International Conference (KNIC4) “Reinvigorating the Pan-African Intelligentsia: Developing organizations and institutions committed to serving African People” from Friday, September 16 through Monday, September 19.

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2016

Lincoln University, Pa. – Three Lincoln University staff members learned a new trauma-informed sexual assault investigation and adjudication curriculum as part of the inaugural National Center for Campus Public Safety conference in Washington, D.C.

The July conference provided college and university administrators and their local partners involved in sexual misconduct and gender-based violence investigation and adjudication. “Trauma-informed” investigations consider the physical, psychological and emotional safety of the survivor.  
