Lincoln University Embarks on Energy Savings Project

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  • Category: Campus News

LINCOLN UNIVERSITY, Pa. – Lincoln University projects it will see a 30 percent drop in its water usage as a result of a new energy project implemented in partnership with Aramark.

“Water conservation is one of 12 different initiatives that the University has committed to with the goal of energy conservation and long-term savings,” Mike Reed, director of the Physical Plant and Aramark general manager stated.

Over spring break in March, the water conservation phase of the Energy Project began with the installation of low-flow toilets and shower heads and faucet aerators—all changes that will reduce water flow without compromising water quality.

The 12 initiatives are part of the Energy Savings Performance Contracting Project, which supports the University's strategic goal to “enhance the maintenance and development of the University's infrastructure” by addressing some of the most immediate needs that have a return on investment and reduce environmental risk.

The energy project is developing energy conservation measures that address infrastructure and occupant comfort needs of Lincoln University by leveraging energy savings that are used to fund campus infrastructure upgrades. The energy conservation measures are focused on efficient lighting, HVAC control upgrades, and boiler plant optimization with an overall goal of controlling utility costs and providing a comfortable and energy efficient campus for the benefit of the students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Other projects that will be completed prior to the 2017-18 school year include HVAC control upgrades, lighting upgrades, steam system repairs, boiler control upgrades, small boiler replacements, kitchen exhaust hood control upgrades, HVAC chiller repairs, building weatherization upgrades, piping insulation, and electrical power quality improvements.

For the Energy Savings Performance Contracting Project, Aramark and the Philadelphia Chapter of the American Association of Blacks in Energy selected two Lincoln University students for a paid internship to participate in Aramark's campus energy efficiency internship program. The internship gives the students practical experience in the energy industry across various majors with a particular emphasis on project management, energy efficiency, sustainability, and project finance.

Student interns are Jabir McKnight, a political science major and 2019 class president, and Oyinbarakemi (Jessica) Ndiomu, a senior environmental science and biology major.

The team from Aramark and the American Association of Blacks in Energy include Wayne Barnett, Aramark’s director of business development, Lonette Davis, maintenance manager at Lincoln University, Russell “Mike” McGarvey, construction project manager in Engineering & Asset Solutions, Michael Reed, general manager of the Physical Plant at Lincoln University, Bruce Sutter, senior manager in Engineering & Asset Solutions; and Fabian Robinson, the AABE Philadelphia Chapter’s first vice chair and manager of infrastructure support at PJM.

The student interns will present on April 20 at 5:30 p.m. in the International Cultural Center, Room 104, on their work with the energy project and possible internships with Aramark and AABE. 

Lincoln University, the nation’s first degree-granting Historically Black College and University (HBCU), educates and empowers students to lead their communities and change the world. Lincoln offers a rigorous liberal arts education to a diverse student body of approximately 2,200 men and women in more than 35 undergraduate and graduate programs.