Budget Appropriations Status

  • Posted in All University
  • Category: Campus News

Dear Lincoln University Community,

As many of you are aware, Lincoln has not yet received appropriations from the State of Pennsylvania for the FY 2017-18. These appropriations from the State account for 25 percent of our operating budget. Although the State budget was passed by an overwhelming bipartisan vote of both chambers on July 11, the House has yet to agree upon a revenue package. Without this revenue package, Lincoln University is at risk of losing its appropriations.

While the revenue package is a great concern and impacts the entire State budget, Lincoln University and the other state-related institutions —Pennsylvania State University, University of Pittsburgh, and Temple University— have been engaging House members with letters, emails, op-eds, and in-person meetings to encourage them to return to the negotiation table and agree to a revenue package.

When the House returns from recess on Monday, September 11, they will have a tight deadline for getting the revenue package finalized by September 15. While I am confident the House will make the budget deadline, we must let them to know how important the appropriations will be to the state-related universities, specifically Lincoln.

I invite you to join me in writing brief letters to your State representative, as well as House Speaker Mike Turzai, House Majority Leader Dave Reed, and House Minority Leader Frank Dermody urging them to pass a revenue package and our funding bills. Democratic House members, GOP House members, and members of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus should be contacted as well. Many members of the Black Caucus have been directly influenced by Lincoln University in some way whether through a friend or relative that attended Lincoln or they have served us as a member of the Board of Trustees.

Please take a few moments out of your day to let the members of the House know that With Lincoln, Pennsylvania Wins!


Brenda A. Allen, Ph.D.


Lincoln University, the nation’s first degree-granting Historically Black College and University (HBCU), educates and empowers students to lead their communities and change the world. Lincoln offers a rigorous liberal arts education to a diverse student body of approximately 2,200 men and women in more than 35 undergraduate and graduate programs.