Class of 2018 and Lincoln University Alumni Continues Legacy to Pay It Forward

  • Posted in All University
  • Category: Campus News

LINCOLN UNIVERSITY, Pa. – For the second year in a row, Lincoln University’s undergraduate and graduate classes participated in a targeted campaign to raise funds for need-based scholarships for future graduating students. More than $7,373 was raised. Each donor proudly displayed an orange and blue Philanthropy Cord during the Commencement ceremony. 

Members of the 2018 graduating class wear the orange and blue Philanthropy Cord, which they earned by donating to the senior class gift.
Members of the Class of 2018 who want to donate toward the senior class gift may contribute online at

“Student success and completion are critical and could not be possible without financial support for many graduating students. It is inspiring that the students launched this initiative last year and continue to pay it forward,” said Dr. Mellissia Zanjani, vice president for Institutional Advancement. “And a great testament to the philanthropic spirit of Lincoln University students, and alumni.”

Cornelius Pearson, a graduating computer science and visual arts major from Washington, D.C., donated to the senior campaign and wore the Philanthropy Cord on Commencement day.

"It was a way to reach back and help the next person realize their dreams," Pearson said. 

"I believe in paying it forward.​"

Members of the Class of 2018, alumni or anyone may still contribute to this need based scholarship by visiting

Contact Leona Williams, advancement officer, at 484-365-7454 or with questions about the Philanthropy Cord.


Lincoln University, the nation’s first degree-granting Historically Black College and University (HBCU), educates and empowers students to lead their communities and change the world. Lincoln offers a rigorous liberal arts education to a diverse student body of approximately 2,200 men and women in more than 35 undergraduate and graduate programs.