Academic Advising Mission
In keeping with the university’s strategic goal to create and enhance high quality and student centered learning environments, the mission of the Academic Advising Center is to provide an integrated program of effective academic advising for undecided majors and special students. To this end, Academic Advising serves the dual purpose of promoting quality advisement of all students and of providing direct assistance to the undecided or “exploratory” students that are in the process of choosing a major department. To accomplish this goal, the advisors share responsibility with their advisees for developing educational plans compatible with their special interests and abilities and successful completion of their degree requirements.
Fred-Rick L. Roundtree
Assistant Provost and Dean of Student Success Services
- Wright Hall Room 214
Shirley M. Quillin
Senior Administrative Assistant, Academic Support, Division of Student Success
- Wright Hall Room 202
Leonie Walters
Academic Advisor & Student Success Coach
- Wright Hall Room 208
Tawana Williams
Academic Advisor and Living Learning Community Coordinator, Office of Academic Support
- Wright Hall Room 302