Prospective Students and Families
There are many reasons to choose Lincoln University, but one is the opportunity for undergraduate students to engage with mentors in research, scholarship, or creative activities.
Work with a LU Research Mentor
Picture yourself engaging in world-class research, scholarship, and creative activities side by side with LU researchers. Our getting started page will show you how to begin.
Apply for Undergraduate Research Awards
See yourself among the winners of awards from the Center for Undergraduate Research. We provide stipends designed to support undergraduate students who engage in research at LU.
Learn about Research from Peer Mentors
Peer Mentors use their experience and expertise to help you answer any questions you may have. You could someday become a peer mentor yourself and help other students launch their undergraduate research career.
Present at Conferences
Imagine yourself presenting at a regional, national, or international meeting in your field.
Count on Us!
Know that the Center for Undergraduate Research is here to support you. We specialize in helping undergraduates learn about and get involved in research.
Share Your Research at Lincoln’s University-Wide Symposium
The Scholars Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Symposium is LU’s annual university-wide event where student researchers from all majors disseminate the results of their work to the Lincoln community and invited guest and the presenters are eligible for awards.
Apply to the Lincoln Scholars Undergraduate Research Programs
The Lincoln Scholars Program is open to new, incoming freshman and sophomore students. The Scholars program will put you on the fast-track to engaging in undergraduate research with a faculty mentor.