Lincoln University Core Values
Respect. Responsibility. Results
Lincoln University’s Core Values support its mission and vision and shape its culture. These values are intended to educate our stakeholders—students, faculty, staff, alumni, community partners, and others—about the essence of our institutional identity—that is, who we are and how we operate. These values guide our decisions and reflect our ongoing commitment to the Lincoln Legacy of Excellence.
Core Values
Respect: to consider every member of the community worthy of high regard.
To demonstrate respect:
- We actively listen to each other and seek to understand and appreciate diverse perspectives;
- We show consideration and appreciation for the time, talent, and resources of others as we plan and execute our work; and
- We honor our traditions and champion the Lincoln Legacy.
Responsibility: to be willing to answer for one’s conduct and fulfill obligations; and to choose for oneself between right and wrong.
To demonstrate responsibility:
- We act with integrity and are guided by sound ethical practices in our personal and professional lives to serve as a positive example for our community;
- We have high expectations and standards for ourselves, our students, our colleagues, and the University. We, therefore, challenge each other to achieve excellence; and
- We embrace the principle of reciprocity—giving back to others in gratitude for that which has been given to us.
Results: to work diligently to achieve desired outcomes.
To achieve results:
- We share information broadly, remain curious about the world around us, and encourage new ideas and approaches to complex problems;
- We are mindful of and seek to mitigate our personal biases that might hinder our collective progress; and
- We actively look for opportunities to collaborate with others and to leverage financial, physical and human resources to the best advantage for the University.
Learn about the mission and vision and the strategic plan.