Crime Statistics


Clery Act Compliance

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) requires higher education institutions to publicly report crimes that occur on their campuses. In compliance with the Clery Act, Lincoln University publishes an annual security report containing important safety information and crime statistics for the previous three years within set geographic boundaries. This data includes crimes that have occurred on campus, in certain non-campus buildings or properties that are owned or controlled by Lincoln University, and on public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.

The U.S. Department of Education Handbook for Campus Crime Reporting assists universities and colleges in meeting the Clery Act requirements. Under the law, a crime is reported when a victim, witness, other third party, or even the offender brings it to the attention of a Campus Security Authority (CSA) or local law enforcement officer. A CSA is an individual within the Lincoln community who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities. CSAs should report crimes immediately by calling 484-365-8139 or extension 8139 and complete a CSA Incident Report Form. Please visit the Campus Security Authority page for more detailed information about CSA responsibilities.

Clery Crime Statistics

Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Reporting

The Pennsylvania College and University Security Act of 1988 governs the responsibility of Pennsylvania institutions of higher education to report crime statistics and rates and to provide descriptions of security policies and procedures to applicants, matriculated students and employees. Each institution is required annually to report crime statistics and crime rates (per 100,000 FTE students and employees) to the State Police for publication in the Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Report (UCR). Colleges and universities are required to maintain a daily log of campus crime activity and make it available for public review.

If you believe there has been a violation of one or more of the provisions of the Pennsylvania College and University Security Information Act, you may file a complaint at the Department of Public Safety. The complaint will be forwarded to the Director of Public Safety, who will respond in writing to the complainant within five business days from the date the complaint is received. If, after receiving the reply to the complaint, you still feel that a violation has been committed and not corrected, you may appeal to the Vice President for Student Success.

Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Reporting