Space Request Form

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Prior to completing this form, please review the Lincoln University Space Committee (LUSC) Operating Guidelines

Requests for new space, reallocation of space, or change in use of space must be submitted to the LUSC using the space request form. The form must be signed by the appropriate Vice President or the Dean of the Faculty.

Completed forms with all signatures must be submitted by the 1st of each month.

Instructions: Complete all portions of the form that pertains to your requirements. Incomplete forms may be returned to the requestor.

(Provide a succinct description of your space request. Include number and type (office, lab, conference, classroom) of spaces/people required to be accommodated. What is being requested and why? Indicate whether this is being driven by a new program, a research grant, inadequate space to meet current programs needs, and/or other reasons.)
How does this request relate to the university’s and your department’s strategic plans?
Provide funding details associated with this request. Document existing or pending funding sources for this request. Rental space requests should include the lease duration, square footage, and annual cost.
Indicate other departments, organizations, programs or functions which should be in proximity to the requested space and why?
Describe any special parking and transportation access needs.
Describe any special ADA accommodations relative to this request.
Any other information that will support this space request.