Kwame Nkrumah Digital Information Site
Ghana Government Publications
- Flower of Learning: Some reflections on African learning, ancient and modern, contained in two speeches by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah on his installation as Chancellor of the University of Ghana,Legon, and of the University of Science and Technology at Kumasi
- Guide to Party Action: Address by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah at the first seminar at the Winneba Ideological School on 3rd, February 1962.
- Osagyefo in Kumasi: Ghana welcomes foreign enterprise (Four speeches by Osagyefo the President during his visit to Kumasi and Sunyani in March, 1962
- The Volta River Project: A Statement by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah President of Ghana, to the National Assembly, February 21, 1961
- Work and Happiness: Broadcast talk by Osagyefo the President on 5th May, 1962
- African Unity: A Speech by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, President of the Republic of Ghana, on opening Africa Unity House in London, 18th March, 1961
- The City of Accra: A Speech by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, President of the Republic of Ghana, Declaring Accra a City on Wednesday, 29th March, 1961
- South Africa and the Commonwealth: Two Statements by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, President of the Republic of Ghana, Bearing on South Africa’s apartheid system and her decision to withdraw from the Commonwealth, March 1961
- Step to Freedom: Address by Osagyefo the President in Accra to the Nationalist Conference of African Freedom Fighters, on 4th June, 1962.
- The Accra Assembly: Address by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah President of the Republic of Ghana, at the opening of The Accra Assembly (21st June, 1962)
- Regret and Forgiveness: Reply by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah to Address of Welcome by Chiefs and people of Sekondi-Takoradi (26th May, 1962)
- Osagyefo's Peace Award: Speech by Osagyefo the President at the Ceremony of the Award of Lenin Peace Prize at the State House on Monday, 2ndJuly, 1962
- Politics are not for Soldiers: Qualities of Leadership: Honesty, Integrity, Loyalty, Moral Courage, Idealism (An Address by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah to the Cadets of the Ghana Military Academy)
- Tragedy in Angola: An Address by Osagyefo the President to the National Assembly of Ghana [May 30, 1961]
- The Eleventh Party Congress: Address by Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah at the Eleventh Party Congress at Kumasi on 29th July, 1962
- The CPP 12th Anniversary: A Message by Osagyefo [June 12, 1961]
- New Horizons: Ghana moves forward along the path of development: Sessional Report on the First Session of the First Parliament of the Republic of Ghana
- The Road Ahead: Osagyefo speaks to the National Assembly on Current Affairs[April 18, 1961]
- Sukarno in Ghana
- Padmore the Missionary: Osagyefo opens a new library in Accra to the memory of one of the greatest architects of African liberation [June 30, 1961]
- Towards Our Goal: Sessional review of the second session of the first Parliament of the Republic of Ghana by Osagyefo the President on 14 September, 1962
- Forward to Socialism: Speech delivered by Osagyefo the President at the Accra Sport Stadium on 8th January, 1963 to mark the 13thanniversary of the declaration of Positive Action
- Dawn Broadcast: Osagyefo calls a halt to self-seeking [April 8, 1961]
- The Voice of Africa: Speech by Osagyefo the President on the Opening of the Ghana External Broadcasting Service (October 27, 1961)
- Season of Good Will: Osagyefo’s New Year Broadcast to the Nation Together with his Christmas Broadcast and Seasonal Toast (December 31, 1961)
- Strengthening the Bonds of Industry: Speech by Osagyefo the President when Opening the United States Small Industries Exhibition in Accra on 27th November, 1961
- The Old and the New . . . The Law in Africa: Speech by Osagyefo the President at the Conference on Legal Education at the Ghana Law School, Accra, [4th January] 1962
- Conference of Independent African States: Speeches Delivered at the Close of the Conference, 22nd April, 1958
- Conference of Independent African States: Declarations and Resolutions 22nd April 1958
Digitized Video:
First Conference of Independent African States (1958):
- Introduction (mp4 format)
- General Arrival (mp4 format)
- Nkrumah's Opening part 1(mp4 format)
- Nkrumah's Opening part 2(mp4 format)
- Other Presidents (mp4 format)
- After the Parade (mp4 format)
- Celebration (mp4 format)
- Gbedemah Closes (mp4 format)
Second African Journalists Conference:
- Introduction (mp4 format)
- Nkrumah Charge - part1 (mp4 format)
- Nkrumah Charge - part2 (mp4 format)
- Celebration (mp4 format)
Organization of African Unity Defense Committee (wmv format)