Placement Testing for New Students
Summer Placement Testing
Lincoln University will offer summer placement testing from June 24 to 28 and from July 9 to 12 in Wright Hall, second floor, at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. each day. Additionally, placement testing will take place at University City, 3020 Market Street, Philadelphia, on July 19 at 10 a.m. Learn more here.
Parents/students bringing forms in on Testing Day, will need to deliver those forms to Health Services in the Wellness Center.
Placement testing is required for admitted students to Lincoln University. As part of New Student Orientation (NSO), students will participate in testing, academic advising, class registration, and an introduction to LU activities. All first-time students and some transfer* students are required to take tests in writing and math.
Lincoln University uses College Board's ACCPULACER for English and ALEKS PPL for Mathematics. Placement testing gives you an opportunity to demonstrate your skills and ensure placement into the appropriate courses. Reviewing your grammar, writing and mathematics skills may help you prepare.
The Mathematics Department will provide your user name and password for the ALEKS PPL program through your Lincoln email. Taking the practice test provided by the program will help you prepare for the math placement test. Please see your Lincoln email for details. More information on ALEKS PPL can be found at: ALEKS PPL
The WRITEPLACER essay and the Sentence Skills assessments from the College Board's Accuplacer are utilized for placement into English courses. Practice tests and questions can be found on the Accuplacer student website (https://accuplacer.collegeboard.org/).
Cut-off scores for English placement
Placement testing will determine the most appropriate English and math courses that match your current knowledge and skills. You will then be placed in college-level courses or developmental courses to support and ensure academic success at Lincoln University. Additional information is available to help you prepare for your Placement Test, administered by ACCUPLACER and ALEKS You’ll find information about the test, how it works and links to practice questions.
Testing and scheduling will be done during New Student Orientation and Transition Week.
Please contact Ms. Shirley Quillin, Program Assistant, at 484-365-7627 to schedule a testing date and time. Further information for testing will be sent to students through their Lincoln email within the next few weeks.
Admitted students Lincoln University must first register for the Placement Test. You must bring a current photo ID, your student ID number. Electronic devices, calculators, and personal items (book bags, purses, etc.) are prohibited.
You must take the test if you are:
- A first-year freshman student. You must take the Placement Test before talking with your academic advisor and registering for classes.
- A transfer* student who did not transfer English composition with a "C" or better. You must take the English Placement Test.
- A transfer* student whose transfer evaluation does not indicate credits for MATH 100 (or some higher math course). You must take the Math Placement Exam before being permitted to register for classes.
- A transfer student who has an associate’s degree. You may not be required to take a Placement Test. In order to determine if you are required to take any placement tests, your transcript must be evaluated by an academic advisor. Please contact Susan Chikwem, at 484-365-7626 or schikwem@lincoln.edu.
Placement testing will also be available during New Student Orientation in August if you really cannot come for testing in July; however, delaying the placement test will also delay the scheduling of your classes.
Testing Accommodations
If you are a student with a disability and require testing accommodations, please have a copy of your IEP or Act 504 Plan and contact Academic Support.