On-campus Recruiting
Information for Employers and Graduate/Professional Schools
(All events scheduled through Ralph Simpson, Director, 484-365-7102 or Ms. Sandra Upsher-Nixon. Months available: September 2019, October, November, January 2020, February, March, & April 1-10)
In our effort to assist with on-campus recruiting, the Office of Career Services offers the following options:
- The Annual Career and Graduate/Professional School Fair - Will be held during the Fall Semester – usually during the month of October in the Manuel Rivero Hall’s Main Gymnasium
- Job Posting - The Office of Career Services at Lincoln University (PA) uses Handshake as its official employment resource system. Please e-mail Ms. Sandra Upsher-Nixon so that you may be invited to register with our office through the Handshake portal.
- On Campus Interviewing - We have two (2) private offices available for your interviewing needs
- On Campus Information Session - A formal session which generally begins at 4:00 pm can be scheduled in a classroom or conference room setting
- On Campus Information Tables or Office Hours - Tables are available for set up in the atrium of the Student Union Building between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Office hours are available roughly during the same times, but in the Conference Room of the Career Services office. During this time students are able to gain knowledge of your organization through review of materials and face-to-face discussion with representatives from your organization
- Class Visits / Presentations (15-20 minutes in length) - Provides an opportunity for executives within your organization to address multiple classes and meet with professors and high-level administrators