Campus Security Authorities

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (“Clery Act”) is a federal law that requires colleges and universities, including Lincoln University, to disclose statistics concerning the occurrence of certain criminal offenses that are reported either to local law enforcement agencies or to any official of the University who is defined as a “Campus Security Authority.”  A Campus Security Authority includes “[a]n official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities.”

Campus Security Authorities are obligated by law to report crimes to the University Public Safety department.  In addition, our University has a responsibility to notify the campus community about any crimes which pose an ongoing threat to the community. If there are any questions, please contact Mr. James Connor at 484-365-8161 or Marc R. Partee, Director of Public Safety at 484-365-8127. Thank you for your assistance in complying with these important federal requirements.

CSA Incident Report Form

List of Campus Security Authorities

We are required to report the crimes regardless of whether the victim chooses to file the incident with law enforcement or to press charges. If Campus Security Authorities have any doubt as to whether an incident is reportable, they must err on the side of reporting and do so as soon as possible.   To report an incident, contact the Department of Public Safety at extensions 7211, 7212 or 8139.  Campus Security Authorities should not investigate the crime or attempt to determine whether a crime took place.  The Department of Public Safety will contact them if any additional information is needed.

The University is required to disclose statistics for offenses that occur (1) on campus, including the main campus and University City, (2) in or on non-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by our school, and (3) public property within or immediately adjacent to our campus (e.g., streets, sidewalks and parking areas).

The criminal offenses that should be reported are:

  • Murder, negligent and non-negligent manslaughter
  • Sex offenses including rape, fondling, incest and statutory rape
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated assault
  • Burglary
  • Motor vehicle theft
  • Arson
  • All liquor, drug or weapons violations resulting in arrest or referral for disciplinary action
  • Dating violence
  • Domestic violence
  • Stalking

We are also required to report statistics for hate crimes.  For purposes of reporting, please report any crime as a hate crime where there is any indication that the victim was selected because of the victim’s actual or perceived race, national origin, ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation.

Campus Security Authorities should tell a person who comes to them to report a crime that they are required to report the incident to the University Department of Public Safety for data collection and reporting.  They should inform the individual that if he or she requests confidentiality, the report will not include identifying information, but that if it is an incident of sexual misconduct, the Title IX Coordinator will be informed of the victim’s identity and be notified that the victim wishes to maintain confidentiality.

If there are any questions, please contact James A. Connor, Clery Compliance Coordinator, at 484-365-8161 or Marc R. Partee, Director of Public Safety, at 484-365-8127.  
Thank you for your assistance in complying with these important federal requirements.