Residence Hall Forms
Room Condition Report
The purpose of this form is to protect both the resident and the University on damage charges and to provide for maintenance corrections. Check the room very carefully or you will be charged for any damages to your room that is not listed. For Apartment Style Living, all suitemates are responsible for the common area.
Declaration of Valuables
Record all items that you own within your residence hall with a value of $100 or more. Documentation is needed (receipts, credit card statements, or print out of the same item with cost) when filing a claim. As the student obtains new items that value $100 or more, it is the student’s responsibility to inform and update the Office of Residence Life. Please see your resident advisor and/or area coordinator to assist in this process.
Housing Contract
By completing and submitting this form, you consent to be legally bound to your housing contract for one (1) full academic year. By signing this contract, you consent to the terms and conditions of the Residence Hall Contract, Policies, and Procedures if you are granted on-campus accommodations. Completing this form does not guarantee you a space on campus.
All students are required to read the housing contract in the student handbook.
Emergency Contact - Thorn Flats
Emergency Contact Form - Thorn Flats
Letter of Recommendation
This form is for use by students currently enrolled at the university seeking affiliation with organizations on campus and employment. This form will be confidentially reviewed and recorded by the Office of Student Life & Development and Residence Life