Student Leadership, Development, Training Institutes & Conferences

  • SAA and SLA Leadership Training
    Student Activities Assistants (SAAs) serve as office assistants for Student Life and Development Staff with campus event planning. Student Leader Ambassadors (SLAs) serve as guides forincoming Freshmen. SLAs and SAAs are trained to deal with fellow students on various leveles. Additionally, they participate in activities that build teamwork, enhance leadership skills and develop professionalism. 
  • Organization Leadership Conference 
    The Organizational Leadership Institute is a leadership training program designed to provide current and newly elected organization leaders and members with full day of training in areas that are crucial to the operation of their organization such as: Law and Order for Parliamentarians, the Kings and Queens Council, Finances and recording for Treasurers, and Goals/Missions for Presidents and Vice Presidents.
  • Emerging Leaders Conference
    Emerging Leaders Conference is a leadership development program that introduces students (who aspire to become leaders on campus) to the skills they need to LEAD, EMPLOWER and INFLUENCE others. The 2009 Conference was entitled "Training Tomorrow's Leaders Today." Students participated in interactive, hands-on seminars on Effective Leadership, Teamwork, Goal Setting and Civic Leadership.
  • NASAP Student leadership Institute
    The National Association of Student Affairs Professions (NASAP), formerly known as the National Association of Personnel Workers, was founded in 1954 on the campus of Howard University in Washington, DC. NASAP is a professional organization dedicated to promoting excellence in Student Affairs. The organization serves as a beacon for student affairs personnel addressing the issues and needs of today's college students. The Student Leadership Institute is an intensive, interactive and stimulating learning program. It is a seven day program designed for newly elected HBCU student leaders (Student Government, Class Officers, Greek Councils, Student Ambassadors, Programming Boards, Kings and Queens) who are committed to uplifting their organizations and their university. The primary goal of the Institute is to prepare participants to develop resourceful solutions to problems they are likely to encounter as student leaders on their respective campuses.