FAQs - Greek and Social Fellowship Organizations

Here are some frequently asked questions of the Office of Student Life and Development regarding Greek and Social Fellowship organizations.

Q: What are the University requirements for membership intake?

Answer: This information is listed in the Student Handbook.

Q: What is the deadline to have all University requirements met?​

Answer: Check with Student Life. 

  • If the organization you are interested in submits your name for clearance prior to that date, you must meet the requirements when your name is submitted for clearance.
  • Clearance results are final. This means whatever your GPA is at that time stands. We will not wait for grade changes. However many community service hours you have completed at the time are your final hours. We will not wait for you to complete your hours after the clearance process.
  • Please note that the Office of Student Life & Development provides clearance results directly to the organizations. We do not participate in the decision making process for who is accepted for membership intake on any level.

Q: How do I get credit for community service?

Answer: You must complete the community service form and submit a photo of you completing the service (no faxes, no emails). 

  • Confirmation of approved hours is sent to your Lincoln email account. If you need proof, you should print the email you received. If you need a letter of confirmation, you should directly contact the person/s with whom you completed the service. If the organization you are seeking has a form in the application to be signed, you may get a signature from the Director of Student Life & Development (if your service is on file in the office).

Q: How long does the community service credit last? 

Answer: We keep community service on file for the current academic year. Projects completing between August-April of the academic year will be given credit, with the required documentation having been submitted. 

Q: Do I have to attend both Campus-Wide Information Sessions (fall and spring)?​ 

Answer: No, you are only required to attend one.

Q: Do I have to attend the Interest Meeting/Rush of the organization I am interested in?​ 

Answer: Yes.

Q: When do organizations have membership intake and interest meetings?​ 

Answer:  Interest meetings are only held during the semester that the organization is having membership intake. The flyers will be posted outside the Office of Student Life & Development during the week prior to the meetings. Membership intake is only held during the spring semester unless otherwise noted.

Q: What is hazing?

Answer: This information is listed in the Student Handbook on pages 92-93. 

Q: What do I do if I believe I have been or am being hazed? 

Answer: You should make a formal report to the Office of Student Life & Development or Dean of Students.

Q: Whom do I contact if I have further questions? 

Answer: You may contact the Dean of Students Office for more information.