AALU Enrollment Engagement Event

This form is intended for use by the AALU or AALU chapters who are planning admitted student events.
A completed web form includes ready-to-send documentation 5- 7 days before the requested date to send; Alumni Relations will not assume responsibility or writing, editing, or creating any content or design elements.
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Contact Information of Person Submitting Content

Contact Information of Person Submitting Content

Be sure to include the name of the chapter. Example: The Greater Carolinas Alumni Chapter Admitted Student Drive-by Social
If virtual, enter "virtual" or "Zoom," for example. If a physical address, include the location's name, full street address, city, state and zipcode.
This will be used to determine which students to invite. If the event is virtual, submit the zipcode of the chapter.
This should be a complete description that can be sent as-is to students. Include all relevant details and RSVP or other contact information. Example: Dear Admitted Lincoln University Student: The Greater Carolina Chapter of the Alumni Association of Lincoln University invites you to an admitted student drive-by social from 4 to 6 p.m. on July 27, 2020, at Springfield Park, 2270 West Market Highway, Springfield, North Carolina, 21703. We request that you RSVP by sending an email to Mae Logan at mae.logan@gmail.com by July 20, 2020.
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf.